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One of the most significant and productive ways to acquire an incredible and comprehensive makeover is to lose weight. When done correctly, reducing weight has several advantages. In addition to improving your health, it may radically transform the way you appear – from your head to your toes. When a person reduces their caloric intake by a combination of diet and activity, their bodies begin to burn fat stores in order to make up for the diminished supply of energy. For some individuals, it may start in particular locations initially, such as their legs, tummy, hands, or even their face. For others, it may start in their hands. However, if they maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine, they will be able to shed all of the excess fat that is distributed throughout their bodies. People often question whether reducing weight would alter the structure of their face and the characteristics that make up their face, despite the fact that the most noticeable result of losing weight is a slimmer physique and dropping inches off the waist.
In the same way that excess fat hides your abs and other body components, it also has a tendency to cover up your facial features and muscles. However, if you lose weight, your jawline will emerge seemingly out of nowhere. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s talk about how losing weight indeed alters your appearance and how you may go through a physical transition.
At some time in our lives, most of us have probably hoped that we could reduce the amount of body fat that we carry in one particular region, whether it be our arms, thighs, or stomach.
It’s possible that many individuals would want to modify their look by reducing the amount of fat that is stored in their cheeks, neck, or chin.
Even though there are several slimming straps and gadgets on the market that promise to enhance face fat reduction, in order to lose body fat, it is often necessary to make adjustments to both your food and your lifestyle that are long-term.
You are in luck since there are a lot of different ways that may not only help you lose weight in a healthy way but also make your face seem thinner as a side effect.
Here are eight proven approaches that can assist you in losing unnecessary fat on your face and how weight loss changes your face, as well as some simple measures that you may use to avoid the accumulation of fat over time.
1 Do facial exercises

It is possible to enhance one’s face look, slow the effects of aging, and increase one’s muscular power via the usage of facial workouts (1).
According to anecdotal accounts, including facial workouts in your program will help tone the muscles in your face, which can result in your face seem thinner.
Puffing out your cheeks and moving the air from side to side is one of the most common workouts. Other common exercises include puckering your lips on alternate sides and holding a grin while clenching your teeth for many seconds at a time.
Even while there isn’t much data to support the claim, one study found that facial workouts may help develop muscular tone in your face (2).
According to the findings of another research, exercising facial muscles twice a day for a period of eight weeks led to an increase in muscle thickness and an improvement in face rejuvenation (3).
Bear in mind that there has been little study done especially on the efficacy of face workouts for fat reduction. More research is required to determine whether or not these activities have an effect on the face fat seen in persons.
Facial workouts help tone the muscles in your face, which may give the appearance that your face is thinner. Even while there isn’t a lot of research on the topic, one study indicated that working out your face muscles might increase muscle thickness and give you a more youthful appearance.
2 Add cardio to your routine

Most of the time, additional fat on your face is the consequence of having excess fat elsewhere in your body.
Getting rid of excess fat and trimming down your physique and face are two benefits that might come from losing weight.
Any sort of physical activity that causes an increase in your heart rate is considered to be cardio, also known as aerobic exercise. It is generally acknowledged as one of the most efficient approaches to shedding extra pounds.
According to the findings of a number of research, cardio may be an effective tool for helping to enhance fat burning and increase fat loss (4, 5).
In addition to this, one research indicated that the amount of aerobic activity that obese women did lead to a bigger reduction in the amount of fat that they carried (6).
You should strive to achieve between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate to strenuous activity each week. This is equivalent to between 20 and 40 minutes of cardiovascular exercise each day (6).
Activities such as running, dancing, walking, riding, and swimming are all examples of popular forms of cardiovascular exercise.
Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, may help you burn fat and lose fat, which can both contribute to a slimmer face.
3 Drink more water

Consuming water is essential to maintaining your general health and might be of particular significance if you are working to reduce the amount of fat that is stored in your face.
According to many studies, drinking water may help you feel fuller for longer and can contribute to your weight reduction efforts.
Drinking water before a meal led to a considerable reduction in the total amount of calories that were ingested throughout the meal, according to the findings of one small research (7).
According to the findings of several other studies, drinking water could temporarily speed up your metabolism. Increasing the number of calories that you burn during the day may be an effective strategy for facilitating weight reduction (8).
Consuming water may lead to a reduction in calorie intake as well as a temporary acceleration of the metabolism. It is also possible that it may minimize fluid retention, which will prevent your face from becoming bloated and swollen.
4 Limit alcohol consumption

It’s perfectly OK to have an occasional drink with dinner, but drinking too much alcohol may be one of the most significant factors in the buildup of fat and the development of stomach gas.
The majority of the calories in alcoholic beverages are “empty calories,” which refers to the fact that alcohol has a high-calorie count but is deficient in essential elements such as vitamins and minerals (9).
Additionally, it stimulates the production of urine, making it a diuretic, which is the definition of a chemical that has this effect. This may result in dehydration as well as the retention of fluids (10).
According to the findings of certain studies, alcohol may also have an effect on the levels of some hormones, including those that control hunger and appetite. For instance, it may lower levels of leptin, which is a hormone that contributes to the sensation of being full (11).
In addition to this, a number of research have shown that excessive drinking may lead to an increase in inflammation and may be connected to an elevated threat of weight gain, an increase in abdominal fat, and obesity (11, 12, 13).
The best strategy to protect against the bloating and weight gain that might result from drinking alcohol is to limit the amount of alcohol that you consume.
According to the most recent version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the term “moderate drinking” refers to consuming no more than two drinks on a daily basis for men and no more than one drink for women (14).
Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol may cause one to gain weight overall, particularly in the face. Dehydration, water retention, and a diminished sense of fullness are additionally possible side effects of this substance.
5 Cut back on refined carbs

The consumption of refined carbohydrates, such as those found in cookies, crackers, and pasta, is a frequent cause of weight gain as well as an increase in the amount of fat that is stored in the body.
These carbohydrates have undergone a significant amount of processing, which has resulted in the removal of their essential elements and fiber, leaving behind nothing more than sugar and calories.
Your body is able to quickly digest them due to the little amount of fiber that they contain. This causes your blood sugar levels to surge and then drop, and it may make you more tempted to overeat as a result (15).
One research including 277 women found that higher consumption of refined carbohydrates was connected with an increased risk of obesity as well as a bigger quantity of abdominal fat (16).
No research has investigated the effects of refined carbohydrates on face fat in a direct manner. However, switching from refined carbohydrates to whole grains may help to speed up overall weight loss, which in turn may assist in the reduction of face fat (17).
The consumption of refined carbohydrates may cause a rise in blood sugar levels, which in turn can lead to overeating and the buildup of fat. It’s possible that switching to whole grains can help you lose more face fat.
6 Get enough sleep

Getting caught up on missed sleep is one of the most critical strategies for general weight reduction. Additionally, it may assist you in reducing the fat on your face.
A decrease in the amount of sleep one gets might lead to an increase in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. A vast number of possible adverse consequences, including increased body mass, are associated with elevated cortisol levels (18).
According to a number of studies, elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol may both stimulate hunger and alter metabolism, leading to greater fat accumulation (19, 20).
In addition, getting an additional hour or two of sleep each night can assist you in shedding those excess pounds.
According to the findings of one research, a higher quality of sleep is connected with successfully maintaining a weight reduction (21).
On the other hand, research suggests that not getting enough sleep might result in an increased appetite, which in turn can contribute to weight gain and a slower metabolism (22, 23).
Aim for getting at least eight hours of sleep every night to assist in managing your weight and reducing the amount of face fat you have.
Sleep deprivation may cause metabolic changes, leading to higher levels of weight gain, cortisol, and increased food consumption. Therefore, obtaining adequate sleep might assist you in reducing the amount of face fat that you have.
7 Watch your sodium intake

Table salt is the principal source of sodium in the diets of the vast majority of people. You could sprinkle salt on meals using a shaker, but you might also be unknowingly consuming it as a component of dishes that have been processed or manufactured, as well as sauces and other common condiments.
One of the most common side effects of consuming an excessive amount of salt is bloating, which may also contribute to face puffiness and edema.
This phenomenon, known as fluid retention, is brought on by salt, which makes your body retain more water than it needs to (24).
Increasing the amount of sodium in one’s diet has been demonstrated in a number of studies to lead to an increase in fluid retention, particularly in those who are more susceptible to the effects of salt (25, 26).
Considering that processed foods are responsible for more than 75 percent of the salt that is consumed in the typical diet, eliminating processed items such as fast food, savory snacks, and processed meats may be an efficient approach to lower your sodium consumption (27).
It’s possible that lowering your salt consumption will make your face seem thinner.
It’s possible that cutting down on sodium, sometimes known as salt, might help you retain less fluid, which would lead to less bloating and puffiness in your face.
8 Eat more fiber

Increasing the amount of fiber you consume is one of the tips that is given the most often for slimming your face and reducing the amount of fat in your cheeks.
After you ingest it, your body is unable to absorb the material known as fiber, which is found in plant foods. Instead, food travels through your digestive system at a more leisurely pace, which causes you to feel fuller for a longer period of time. It is possible that doing so, will help suppress cravings and reduce appetite (28).
According to the findings of one research including 345 persons who were overweight or obese, consuming a larger amount of fiber was connected with improved weight reduction and helped them adhere to a diet low in calories (29).
Even if you don’t pay attention to the number of calories you consume, one analysis of 62 research found that those who consumed more soluble fiber had a lower risk of gaining body fat and having a larger waist circumference (30).
A kind of fiber known as soluble fiber is one that, when combined with water, turns into a gel. Oatmeal, barley, and other cereals all contain beta-glucan, which is a form of soluble fiber that is often consumed as part of a healthy diet.
The majority of plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains, include some amount of fiber in their natural form.
The ideal range for daily fiber consumption is between 25 and 38 grams, which may be obtained from the foods listed below (31).
Increasing the amount of fiber you consume may help suppress your appetite, which in turn may aid the reduction of both weight and fat, which may make your face seem more slender.
How to prevent facial fat

You may help avoid weight gain and the buildup of fat over the long term by engaging in a number of critical long-term behaviors and making larger adjustments to your lifestyle, including the following:
- Eat a balanced diet. You can help control your weight and improve your overall health by eating a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. This will allow you to keep your weight in a healthy range and will support your overall health (32).
- Exercise regularly. Aerobic exercise of a moderate level should be performed for at least 150 minutes each week, according to the recommendations of most experts, in order to promote health and avoid weight gain (33).
- Limit your intake of processed foods. In addition to often having a high calorie, salt, and added sugar content, processed meals have also been associated with an increased risk of gradual weight gain. This risk is compounded by the fact that these foods are typically highly processed (34).
- Stay hydrated. Consuming large amounts of water is a simple but effective strategy for controlling one’s weight and avoiding the accumulation of extra fat in the face (8).
- Get plenty of sleep. According to the findings of some studies, getting a higher quality of sleep may make it easier to keep off the lost weight over the long run (21).
- Try to manage your stress levels. An increase in stress may cause an increase in hunger and desires, as well as making it more difficult to remain active. All of these factors can lead to an increase in body mass. Yoga and meditation are two examples of stress reduction practices that might be useful (35).
Long-term weight gain and accumulation of extra face fat may be avoided by adhering to a nutritious diet, being active throughout the day, receiving an adequate amount of sleep, and practicing stress management.
Can you lose fat from just your face?

Although losing excess body fat could help reduce the amount of fat in certain body parts, including your face, there is little evidence to support the concept of spot reduction or fat loss targeted to a specific area. Spot reduction refers to the process of losing fat from a specific area of the body.
In point of fact, a number of previous research have come to the conclusion that spot reduction is not an effective method for accelerating the loss of fat in a particular body area (36, 37, 38).
This is due to the fact that fat cells are stored throughout your body, and during activity, any and all of these fat cells may be broken down and utilized as fuel.
These fat deposits might originate from any portion of your body, not only the region of your body that you are exercising to target specifically (39, 40, 41).
It is advisable to concentrate on general fat loss and weight loss, which may lead to a decrease in excess facial fat. Instead of trying to reduce fat exclusively from your face, it is ideal to strive to lose fat from your body as a whole.
It is advisable to concentrate on decreasing fat and weight generally rather to concentrating just on reducing the amount of extra fat in a single area of your body, such as your face. When you lose weight in general, you will notice a difference in the appearance of your face as well.
Final Word
You have a lot of options available to you if you want to get rid of the look of fat on your face.
Altering your food, including exercise as part of your regular routine, and changing some of the activities you engage in on a daily basis are all excellent strategies to enhance fat loss and weight reduction, all of which may help you achieve a slimmer face as a side effect.
To get the most out of these weight management and general health strategies, be sure to combine them with a healthy diet and consistent physical activity for the best possible outcomes.
Just one thing
Give this a go today: Check out this guide for a simple, three-step strategy to start reducing extra body fat and face fat. The article also includes some quick meal and snack options that are both tasty and easy to prepare.