Do you not yet have a website? Are you interested in receiving a free niche store? Owning a website and seeking a low-cost niche store to include on your site is a good place to start. You don’t have to look any further. The purpose of this CBProAds Review for beginners is to share with you the reasons why so many marketers adore this tool.
Before you continue reading the rest of my post, I’d like to provide you with some information that is in accordance with best online practices and that may be of interest to you:
Disclaimer regarding affiliate links: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I will receive a commission at no additional cost to you if you choose to click through and make a purchase through the link.
Third-party Disclaimer: Because we have no control over third-party websites, content, functionality, or security, we cannot be held liable for any technical or other damage to your devices, such as a computer, mobile phone, or tablet, that results from clicking on a link to connect to other platforms, download material, install, modify, or distribute any material, software, or other.
Disclaimer of opinions: All views and opinions expressed in posts are solely my own and do not reflect the views or opinions of my affiliate partners. The predictions made in this post are not intended to be endorsements.
What is CBproAds?
CBProAds is the only platform that provides Clickbank Affiliates with a toolkit that allows them to promote Clickbank products and earn more commissions.

Why Use CBProADS?
I am frequently asked by startups, who do not yet have a website, if I am aware of any programs where you can participate as an affiliate without having a website, and if it is possible to start an online store completely free of charge. Many affiliate platforms and programs require you to have your own website or blog in order to participate. CBproAds, on the other hand, does not require this.
1. I recommend CBProAds to startups that do not yet have a website because it is a simple way to begin earning money without having to build a website from the ground up.
2. It is a fantastic opportunity to be able to target your audience and personalize your products in order to increase your CTR, or click-to-buy rate, which will increase your sales.
3. You can use it to promote other affiliate programs, such as Google Adsense, as well as Clickbank products, allowing you to earn even more money in the process.
4. They have a good affiliate program, and the program itself is well-designed and functional.
5. It is simple to set up, even for those who are new to it.
I have personally used it for a short period of time and earned some extra money as a result of it.
How to Use CBproAds?
To begin, you must first sign up for a free ClickBank account, after which you must join the CBproAds affiliate program. It is completely free to participate.
After you have completed this step, you have two options.
1. To promote CBProAds without having to create a website.
2. To promote CBproAds through the use of a website
How to promote CBproAds without a website?
In order to promote CBpro advertisements, you must use your affiliate link as well as your network. You can promote your business via email, in-person conversations, on forums, and in various social media groups where it is permitted.
And, of course, you can promote your business through your social media accounts. Just make sure you don’t bombard people with emails. I am aware of several startups that did not have a website but joined Clickbank and CBProAds and are utilizing it to earn additional money on the Clickbank platform.
How to promote CBProAds with a website
WP Affiliate Plugin: It was recently announced that CBproAds would be releasing a WordPress plugin for Affiliates, which you can use to integrate a storefront promotion into your website. To put the plugin through its paces, I created a page called Top selling Affiliate marketing products.
The Plugin is simple to set up and customize so that it appears exactly how you want it to appear. You have the option to customize it in a different way than I have. I just uploaded it in a hurry and have not yet customized it with all of my affiliate links, as I should.
According to my Google Analytics and CBPro Ads daily statistics, this page receives a large number of visits each day.
Widgets: Promotional materials such as widgets, banners, and videos, among other things, are included in the Affiliate program, allowing you to promote your business. On my website, there is a banner ad. It appears that this banner receives daily traffic, according to Google Analytics and CBproAds analytics.
Make a video tutorial: In addition to writing an article or a review, I frequently create a short tutorial on how to use a program if I have the time to do so. Another advantage of this method is that it allows you to include your affiliate link in the video’s description, which is an excellent way to promote it.
Just keep in mind to include a disclaimer. If you are promoting a link in a video, you should include a disclaimer at the beginning of the video in accordance with best practices online.
Write a review or article: This is a great way to collect organic traffic from Google search engines because I write informative articles and reviews about my affiliate partners that are helpful to other people. Of course, this will result in an increase in sales. By reading the information you have gathered, your audience will gain a better understanding of the program, and they may decide to sign up for it through your links. If they do, you will receive commissions from any purchases they make after clicking on your link.
Promote your Niche storefront: Another option is to include a link to your storefront or storefronts on your website. Personally, I currently have 17 storefronts in various niches that I use to sell products on various websites that I operate. I have a main storefront that caters to all niches, as well as a digital storefront, a book storefront, a health and fitness storefront, and an affiliate marketing storefront, to name a few examples.
Promote a product from your storefront: Individual products can also be promoted on your niche storefronts, which provides you with a plethora of opportunities to actually promote this. Personally, I have promoted some niche products to my email list that I know my audience will be interested in or that I believe will be beneficial for them to use or promote on their own websites.
Watch my video tutorial: In order to comprehend how you go about it I’ve created a simple introduction for you to CBProAds and how to create a page on your website to help you get started.
Clickbank Ad Rotator – A PPC system, also known as a pay-per-click system, is an alternative to Google Adsense and is based on the same principles. In exchange for placing a Clickbank ad on your website, you can earn up to $75 dollars for each sale, as opposed to the small pennies you would earn through Google Adsense.
Affiliate Storefronts – This is ideal for someone who does not have access to a website. You will receive a storefront that has already been configured for sales. A store that takes care of everything for you. There are no technical skills required to get started, so this is something I recommend to anyone who wants to make money without having to build a website. Affiliate storefronts in five different variations are included in this package.
Niche Storefronts – If you are an affiliate marketer with a niche website, this solution is ideal for you. Instead of promoting the entire storefront, you can promote specific categories. As a result, if you have a weight loss niche website, you can easily promote products that are relevant to your audience. A total of 20 different niche storefronts in various categories are available to choose from.
2. Weight Loss
3. Tattoo
4. Six Pack Abs
6. Men’s Health
10. Forex
11. Day Trading
12. Dating & Romance
13. Credit Repair
14. Colon Cleansing
15. Casino & Betting
16. Body Detox
18. Acne Removal
and other useful resources.
What’s also great about the niche storefronts is that you can add product reviews to each and every item on the website. This is a paid service that you must pay an additional fee to use.
Click Bank WordPress Plugin – is perfect for integrating a niche storefront into your website with a few clicks. These pages are updated daily with new products. 100+ niche storefronts are included in this feature. In the picture below you can see a selection of all the stores you can choose from.
1. Wedding Plan
2. Alternative Health
3. SEO
4. Chiropractic care
5. Internet marketing
6. Home-based Business
7. MLM marketing
8. Work From Home
9. Mobile marketing
10. Online dating
11. Forex
12. Mixed Martial Arts etc. are just a few storefronts you can choose from this plugin to add to your site

Affiliate storefront or Plugin storefront?
For content that needs to be tailored specifically to a specific audience, the plugin storefront is the best option. You will host it on your website and will need to know how to set it up properly.
If you do not have a website to host your affiliate storefront, the Affiliate storefront is the best option. Everything has been taken care of for you.
Affiliate Commissions
What happens when someone clicks on your link and how does it work? What will your pay be and how often will you be paid are important questions to consider.
When someone clicks on your link, which contains your affiliate ID, and makes a purchase, the information will be displayed on your dashboard three hours after the purchase. An average commission is $40, with a range of $1 – $100 being common.
You will receive an email notification when a sale is made, as well as information about the source that generated the sale.
In your Affiliate dashboard, you will also be able to see the source from which the payment was received. (The photo below shows a print screen of my most recent sale, as well as the location of the source.) The fact that I can see the source is actually very beneficial to me.
This will allow me to direct my efforts more directly toward this source. Sources can be anything from social media platforms to email lists to specific websites and everything in between.

Free CBProAds Account versus CBProADS PRO Account
There are two different kinds of accounts. There are two types of accounts: a free account and a paid account. So, what exactly is the distinction?
The Free version
The free version is a great way to get started and earn money without having to make any financial commitments, but as with all free memberships or accounts, you only get a limited version of the product offered, which includes only 13.000 products to promote.
As opposed to the Pro Version, which has unlimited time on Clickbank Ad blocks, the Limited Version only has 50 percent of the time on Clickbank Ad blocks.
Pro Version $29.95
Purchasing a Pro membership provides you with unlimited access to additional earning opportunities, but it is not free. Personally, I upgraded to the Pro version as soon as possible because I wanted to spend 100 percent of my time on Clickbank Ad Blocks and take advantage of the best opportunities.
I have multiple websites, and the Pro Plugin allows me to target my niche audience with ease by using different storefront pages on each of my websites. I’ve also included the extra review feature as an add-on.
The Good
In comparison to other vendor platforms, Clickbank has an excellent fraud control system that protects buyers from being scammed by criminals or vendors who are not serious about their products. In this way, CBproAds affiliates who promote the products can rest assured that the products they are promoting are legal, authentic, and of superior quality.
2. They pay you on a weekly basis.
3. The Plugin Installation Guide is excellent and straightforward to follow.
4th, the Auto Income feature allows you to earn additional income from marketing efforts carried out by CBproAds.
5. You will earn an additional commission on your Clickbank sales.
6. The affiliate program is outstanding. 7.
7. The support and promotional materials are of high quality.
8. There are no restrictions on the number of websites to which you can add your storefront.
The not so good
CBProAds is a company that I have nothing but positive things to say about. I believe it is an excellent tool for anyone interested in earning money through affiliate marketing, whether or not they have a website.
The only disadvantage I can see for a startup is that it will take some time to figure out how everything works and to build an audience unless you already have one in place. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are a good resource to consult in this situation. As a result, my recommendation is that you thoroughly read the FAQ before you begin.
Alternatives to CBPro Ads
The only alternatives to CBproAds are to continue to use Clickbank in its current form or to experiment with other platforms. Other options that I have written about previously include the following:
1. Warriorplus – It is completely free to join and participate. You can find products to promote on this website, but they do not provide niche storefronts.
2. Shopmonopoly – You have the ability to create your own online store.
Creating a shop on social media such as Facebook or Instagram is the only option available (not recommended)
CBproads is the only alternative that is specifically designed to earn additional revenue from Clickbank products and that provides free niche storefronts.
What do the users say?
I was able to locate some user testimonials. The majority of them express surprise at how well it performs and believe it is a superior alternative to Adsense in many ways. On the CBProAds website, you can read more customer testimonials.

Instead, CBProAds helps to make Clickbank look better by increasing its visibility. In spite of the fact that Clickbank is the most popular affiliate platform available today, there is still room for improvement in terms of user-friendliness.
Although I believe CBProAds is the most effective tool for increasing Clickbank’s potential, I have not tested it. It serves as the icing on the cake of this massive affiliate platform, which was previously lacking.
However, in my opinion, this is also the best option for some serious startups that do not yet have or cannot afford their own website to use as a platform. In addition, it’s a fantastic tool for people who run a blog or a website because you get to take advantage of and benefit from incredible features such as their Ad Rotator tool, hundreds of storefront templates, and a whole host of other things.
I consider their Ad Rotator feature to be the most important tool they offer because it has proven to be extremely beneficial to me. Without a doubt, it is a far superior alternative to Google Adsense.
Most importantly, keep in mind that the storefront is updated on a regular basis automatically. Try to imagine having to check the XML feed every day to add new products, remove obsolete or deleted items, and update product descriptions and images! It’s a nightmare.
I’d also like to express my appreciation for the efforts of their support staff. As an affiliate marketer who has worked with dozens of Clickbank products, I can honestly say that this is one of the best customer service experiences I’ve ever had in my career. It is always a pleasure to receive their responses, which are prompt and courteous. Aside from that, they’re also incredibly patient and accommodating.
The use of CBProAds is strongly recommended by me to anyone who is reading this review because they are the best in their field. It’s possible to use their free version first, even if you don’t want to pay the small one-time fee right away. The paid version, however, is clearly superior to the free version, and I would strongly advise you to upgrade to it.